Digital Kings Networking, LLC
Anatomy of a Service Page: SEO Content Writing
How Content Influences SEO
Written content makes up a large chunk of websites. It is where consumers receive information about businesses and their available services. All information that appears on a page must be strategically utilized in order for the best possible search engine optimization (SEO) results.
With the right content, a page can rank on the first search engine result page, also known as the SERP. When a site successfully makes it onto the first SERP, it is one of the top 10 rankings on google.
Features of Written Content
Content on a website is made up of several parts that all contribute to SEO and online ranking. With each of these factors in mind, writers can put together content that will help to boost a site’s ranking on Google. Utilizing SEO content writing services is an excellent way to draw more traffic toward your business website.
For a webpage to be discoverable on Google, the page must be written to account for target keywords. Keywords are individual words or phrases that are commonly used in searches and are extremely useful tools when writing for SEO. For a page to perform well, keywords should be used within the first 100 words of content on the first page of the site.
For example, when looking for a plumber, a person may search for “Plumbers near me,” or something similar. It is important that somewhere in the content, ideally in the title tag, this keyword appears. However, content that is written with the exact phrase “Plumbers near me” does not come across very naturally. That’s why a similar phrase, like “Plumbers near you” will appear in SEO content.
Webpages that are written with the consumer audience in mind are important not only for Google to crawl but for consumers to find the exact information that they are searching for in the first place.
Keyword Research
Before any content can be written for a service page, it is important to conduct thorough keyword research. By understanding what consumers are searching for online, SEO content writers can create targeted content that successfully incorporates the best-specified keywords.
Keyword research informs writers about what trends are popping up in searches. Keyword volume indicates how many people are searching for specific terms and phrases each month and keyword density lets writers know how difficult it would be for that phrase to rank as one of Google’s first 10 search results.
Title Tags
Whenever a person searches for something on Google, they are met with a long list of links. The written content in these links are called title tags and they help customers understand what they are clicking on. Title tags function like a funnel, with the first tag being the broadest and moving into more and more specific content.
When pages are difficult to read, they tend to perform poorly in terms of SEO. While SEO may be written with Google crawlers in mind, real people will make their way to the page as well. But, if the content is too difficult, users will give up quickly, harming the ranking of the page. This is why high-quality content creation is a key factor when trying to rank for your target audience.
When paragraphs are short, they are easy to digest, and the same goes for sentences. All sentences must be informative while also presented in a way that is easy for any consumer to understand. In other words, a reader shouldn’t also have to be an expert in the given field to understand what the page is about.
Content Designed for Results
No matter the type of content, Digital Kings Networking can assist you to make your website SEO friendly. Blog posts, product descriptions, landing pages, and article writing services are all ways to employ content on your website for a high SEO ranking.
Using the strategies outlined in this article may help you see the results that you've been looking for. Content marketing and social media are all great tactics to drive attention to your site, but high-quality and detailed written content will surely drive your search result ranking.
To work with professional SEO specialists, hire Digital Kings Networking for our array of optimization services. Our customized content will be the driving factor that helps bring users to your site. Don't hesitate, call us today to get started!